Oldways Cheese Coalition
The Oldways Cheese Coalition (OCC) is an international membership organization of cheesemakers, distributors, retailers, and cheese lovers promoting raw milk and other traditional cheeses. Formerly known as the Cheese of Choice Coalition, since 1999, we have advocated for traditional cheeses as safe, delicious, and culturally and historically significant. We work to ensure that traditional cheeses and artisanal cheesemaking practices are maintained for future generations. They are based in Boston USA.
The Oldways Cheese Coalition aims to inspire people to embrace the joys of the old ways of eating traditional cheeses in healthy amounts.
What They Do:
Help you learn about traditional and raw milk cheeses.
Help you learn what and where to buy cheese.
Help you learn how to use traditional and raw milk cheeses.
Help Journalists in disseminating accurate information about traditional and raw milk cheeses.
Help the cheese industry engage with cheese-lovers.
Organize cheese events and campaigns to educate the consumer.
How They Do It
The Oldways Cheese Coalition draws expertise from our in-house experts and advisors. Our nutrition and educational teams support our communications professionals to make peer-reviewed scholarly research easily accessible to cheese-lovers.
Every year they promote a raw milk cheese appreciation day and we are proud to support this.