To find a list of stockists and order this special St Patricks Day collection from Neals Yard in London click on the photo
St. Tola Irish Goat Cheese can be found all around Ireland and in the UK in shops and on-line
On Line here at St Tola https://st-tola-irish-goat-cheese.myshopify.com
Use the filter below to find your county and see where St Tola is available.
If you want to find out where St. Tola is available in your area, and it's not listed in our stockist below, please email us at sales@st-tola.ie with your location.
A limited range of St Tola cheeses can be found at the large mulitiples Supervalu, Tescos and Dunnes around Ireland. If you don't see it on your shelves locally then kindly ask for it to be stocked to get your regular supply.
To order the fabulous cheese board as featured in Neals Yard, follow this link - and it will bring you to the page above. Neals Yard St Patricks Order