In The Media

Neals Yard St Patricks Day Order

St Patricks Day selection from Neals Yard Dairy

26 February, 2025

St Patrick's Day Selection

Neal's Yard Dairy in London, have been selling Irish cheeses since the 1980s and have been working with many of the same producers including St Tola since then. Their buying team go to Ireland twice a year to visit dairies and to taste and talk cheese (washed down with cups of Barry's Tea of course).
With St Patrick's Day coming up, they are celebrating the incredible Irish producers they work with and highlighting some of them in their new St Patrick's Day Selection. The offering includes Coolea, Cashel Blue, Karst, Durrus and of course our very own St Tola Karst! Three boxes of Sheridan's crackers are included to complete the collection.  This makes a delicious and well balanced cheeseboard and a wonderful gift for friends and family in Britain!

To order fabulous cheese board, this follow this link - and it will bring you to the page above.  Neals Yard St Patricks Order 



Saol na Feirme on RTE!

19 February, 2025

We are really delighted to announce that St Tola Irish Goat Cheese  will be featuring on RTE 1 Saol na Feirme from this Monday 24th February at 8.30pm!

This excellent series was filmed over the course of last year and follows the farming year cycle.

Viewers get to know the men and women who are growing and producing the food we all eat and providing income and employment in our rural communities The six-part series produced by @stridentmediatv and is supported by Irish Language Broadcast Fund.

We featured with a number of other amazing Irish farmers including : 

David-Walsh Kemmis from Ballykilcavan Brewery

Eleanor McCann  from Clarkhill Farm
Somhairle Mathers  from Glens of Antrim flower fed Dexterbeef

Dara and Charlie Killeen -
Úna Ní Bhroin from Beechlawn Organics
Matty Carroll farmer.  

The series is filmed as gaeilge with subtitles. 




Why Raw Milk Cheese?

5 February, 2025

Why should we be eating raw milk cheeses? Many of our customers ask about the very important topic of raw milk and raw milk cheeses. We were recently sent this interesting article by Neals Yard Dairy in London. They have been champions of Raw Milk cheeses for decades and incredible supporters of St Tola Goat Cheese.  Attached here is a clip from the article but it is difficult to see in the photo properly.  The complete link is here:

It is as follows:  “Unless people go out of their way to eat raw milk British cheese, it will be gone,” our Technical Director Bronwen Percival says. That's why we've made this selection that showcases just four of the two dozen raw milk cheeses that we are proud to sell. Raw milk cheese includes microorganisms unique to each herd, farm, and dairy, and which help develop unique flavours and textures in cheese. This diversity is one of the reasons why we are committed to supporting raw milk cheese and why we encourage you to do the same"

Why raw milk cheese is worth it
JBrie de Meaux. Comté. Parmigiano Reggiano. What do these cheeses have in common? They are made with raw milk.

There is a reason many of the best-known, most-loved cheeses in the world are made exclusively with raw milk. “Raw milk cheese is more complex,” says our Technical Director Bronwen Percival. “If it wasn’t, we’d all bring out the pasteurisers and call it a day.”

The worst thing about pasteurisation is also the best thing about pasteurisation: it kills microorganisms living in milk. That includes microorganisms that can make people sick. It also includes microorganisms unique to each herd, farm, and dairy; microorganisms that help develop unique flavours and textures in cheese.

“We all want to use great ingredients in our recipes,” says Julie Cheyney, who makes beloved raw cow’s milk cheeses St Jude and St Cera. For Julie, the foundation of cheesemaking is great milk, produced by healthy animals with a varied diet. “If you have that, why would you pasteurise it?”

When raw milk cheese is good, it’s very, very good
By killing microorganisms living in raw milk, pasteurisation eliminates variation. In other words, it strips away the milk’s character. That’s not always a bad thing. 

“[With raw milk cheese] you're going to get the odd batches that are like, ‘whoa. I’ve not come across this before. That’s amazing,’” says Carrie Rimes, who makes the raw sheep’s milk cheese Brefu Bach. “There are going to be some batches... you might call them interesting.” That’s a diplomatic way to say strong, unexpected, and even off-putting.

Pasteurised milk, on the other hand, can be made into consistently delicious cheese. “For your average pasteurised stuff ... you’re going to know pretty much what you’re going to get every single time. On average, it might actually be better than unpasteurised,” Carrie says. “But you’re never going to get those really amazing batches.” 

Those really amazing batches are thanks to the bacteria, moulds, and yeasts that live in milk. They vary from farm to farm, herd to herd; even day to day. “What’s going on for those cows in that part of the world, at that time of year?” Julie says. All of that influences the balance of microbial life in raw milk.

Sometimes, that one-of-a-kind microbial mix aligns with skilled cheesemaking in just the right way. The result is a particularly delicious cheese: St Jude that tastes of caramel and salted peanuts, or delightfully chewy, floral Brefu Bach. Carrie calls them batches that “sing.” 

Raw milk cheese makers take safety seriously

With great microbial diversity – and great potential for delicious cheese – comes great responsibility. Because raw milk cheese makers don’t eliminate pathogenic bacteria with pasteurisation, they must take extra care to ensure pathogenic bacteria don’t enter the milk in the first place. “I'm in the cheese room looking at things the whole time,” Julie says. “I'm there with the bucket and scrub brush. I’m there watching other people clean.”

Hygiene is just the beginning – or, rather, the end. The first step to safe, delicious raw milk cheese is safe, delicious raw milk. St Jude Cheese is based on Dulcie and Jonny Crickmore’s family farm in Suffolk, which is home to a healthy herd of Montbéliard cows.

In addition to regularly sending milk samples off for official laboratory testing, the team performs simple, daily on-farm tests for so-called indicator bacteria. Low levels of indicator bacteria are a signal that the milk is being produced with the utmost level of care. “We’re using Petrifilm tests so we can make sure everything is going in the right direction,” Julie says. Petrifilms are not definitive, she explains, but an aid to flag issues for further investigation with the help of a certified laboratory. If their on-dairy, daily test comes back with concerning results, the team can begin investigating the issue and ordering additional microbiological tests immediately. 

Milk is so fresh that it is still warm when Julie begins her work. “The milk is piped from the milking parlour to the cheese room where, barely an hour old, the cultures are added to acidify the milk and thus the cheesemaking process has begun,” she wrote on her website. That gives pathogenic bacteria less time to proliferate before the starter cultures get to work. 

So, is pasteurised cheese safer to eat than raw milk cheese? Not necessarily. Careless practices can introduce pathogenic bacteria at any time – including after pasteurisation. All it would take is one poorly cleaned piece of equipment to introduce Listeria monocytogenes to a vat of perfectly pasteurised cheese-in-the-making. And without bacteria ready to outcompete that Listeria, it could proliferate, ultimately reaching vulnerable customers and making them sick. 

“The great thing about raw milk cheese is you know it is produced to the highest standard—there is no safety net. Many people who make pasteurised cheese take great care with that milk too, but you don’t have to be perfect if you pasteurise,” Bronwen says. “That is the moral hazard of pasteurisation.” 

British raw milk cheese is rare
In the United Kingdom, we eat plenty of raw milk cheese. Just not British raw milk cheese.  While French cheeses like Roquefort and Reblochon are stocked on supermarket shelves, British raw milk cheeses are a specialty product, found in specialty shops. And even that is at risk. “Neal’s Yard used to have so many raw milk cheeses,” Julie says. “There are fewer on the counter than there used to be.”  

Why? The short answer is that it is very difficult to make raw milk cheese. Part of this is fundamental to the product. Raw milk is different every day. That means the cheese recipe must be slightly different every day. It takes a very skilled, very patient cheese maker to make these adjustments.

Government regulation adds another layer of difficulty. Raw milk cheese makers often face higher levels of scrutiny from the environmental health officer assigned to their dairy. “I have to do three lots of shelf-life studies, per product, per year -- all on these very tiny production quantities,” Carrie says. For an industrial cheese maker, completing that number of shelf-life studies – tests of how long a product stays fresh – would be simple. For Carrie, who operates a microdairy in a converted church, it is a herculean effort. 

“It's really difficult,” Carrie says. “But we're still here.” She’s not alone. “I want to stay small and stay raw,” Julie says. For cheese makers like Carrie and Julie, the natural variation of raw milk cheese – and the amazing heights it can reach – make it all worth it.

At Neal’s Yard Dairy, it’s our job to bring out the best in their cheeses and encourage as many people as possible to try them. “Unless people go out of their way to eat raw milk British cheese, it will be gone,” Bronwen says.

Lignum Visit to St Tola

31 January, 2025

We were really delighed this week to have a visit from some of the chefs from Lignm Restaurant in Galway this week.  Head chef, Danny and chefs Lavinia and Andrea were joined by their friend Danato to tour our cheesehouse, the goat sheds and miking parlour and of course get to taste our milk, whey and cheeses.  We look forward to visiting them in the future! 



Lá Fhéile Bríde in France

17 January, 2025

Siobhán was delighted to be invited along with two other Irish female cheesemakers (Sarah from Cashel Blue and Theresa from Kylemore cheese)  to speak as part of the St. Brigid Days celebrations in Lyons & Dijon in France at the end of January.The event was being organised by the Consulate General of Ireland based in Lyon to celebrate the creativity and diversity of women in Ireland.  





Happy New Year!

10 January, 2025

Happy New Year to all our customers!

After a really busy Christmas we are just getting back to normal here! January is traditionally the time that we get a chance to get our never ending list of jobs done around the farm and the cheesehouse. We have been hampered by the weather this week and though we got off lighter than many in the country, it was still hard work getting around, but farming never stops and our animals depend on us so we must plough on!  

We want to give a special shout out and thanks to the hard working folk at DPD couriers and Alec O' Riordan transport for going above and beyond to collect and deliver all our cheese this week. Our delivery system depends on you guys and we are so grateful to be working with you. 

Our on-line shop is once again open  

Tours are booking up fast again for St Tola for the coming season - contact us at if you would like book a tour for your group but please look at this page first!

Siobhán and all the crew here at St Tola.  



Liz Bonnin, Siobhán Ní Gháirbhith, Anna Haugh

Anna Haughs Big Irish Tour!

10 January, 2025

We are delighted to announce that St Tola will be featured in Anna Haughs new BBC production Anna Haughs Big Irish Tour! Each epiosde shows Anna returning to her roots here in Ireland and features an Irish producer and another local celebrity or person connected with the area. Those featured in the very diverse line up include:  Dennis Taylor, Katherine Ryan, Diarmuid Gavin, Vanessa Feltz and Bundee Aki

Filming took place here on the farm and in the cheesehouse last summer and we had great craic on the day with herself and the fabulous Liz Bonnin.

The series started this Monday on BBC Northern Ireland at 8pm and will run every Monday. 

The St Tola episode with be episode number 12 and will be on BBC Northern Ireland and will air at 8pm on Monday 21st April. More details about the programme can be found on




St Tola at Samhain Festival Kells

29 November, 2024

Samhain Festival of Food & Culture in Kells Co Meath was celebration of Irish food and culture, past, present and future. The festival showcases the very best of Irish food and drink, food culture and history through a weekend long series of events between 7th and 10th November. Siobhan particiapted in two of the events at the symposium. The first event was behalf of BEN at the Food Networks Session and secondly as part of a panel Tasting the Landscape. Both panels were moderated by John McKenna. 

Sheridans Food Festival joined the Samhain Festival this year and took place at Eureka House Kells.  


Gold at Blas na hEireann

8 October, 2024

The annual Blas na hEireann event at the Dingle Food Festival took place at the weekend and we were delighted that our St Tola Karst won Gold! It was a fabulous couple of days meeting lots of fantastic folk from the Irish Food Industry and lots of our loyal customers. Other highlights included "Meet the Maker" with Anthony O' Toole and the Backyard Sessions. 

It was a double weekend of winners, as we also won Irish Food Producer of the Year at the Irish Made Awards at the Irish Country Magazine Awards! 

Many thanks too to Janine Cronin for the fabulous write up in the Irish Times at the weekend. 





Darina Allen, Roisin Garvey, Brian McEntee September 2024

Darina Allen Visits and National Ploughing

4 October, 2024

The crew here were delighted recently with a visit from the amazing Darina Allen!  It was so good to finally show her around our cheesehouse, our lovely goats and of course have great cheese and conversation!

We had a great time attending the National Ploughing championships this year, and had the honour of our cheese being used in a demonstration by Janine Kennedy from the Irish Country Magaziine of the Farmers Journal (a video of this can be seen on our Instagram page)

Irish Made Awards

23 August, 2024

We are delighted to announce that we are finalist in the 2024 Irish Made awards from Irish Country Magazine!

We do need your votes to win, so if you like our lovely cheese please follow this link and vote for St Tola! 

St Tola at the Great Taste Awards

6 August, 2024

Delighted that we have our results for the 2024 Great Taste Awards!
5 stars in total for our cheeses!

A few things the judges had to say about St Tola:

Ash Log 2 Star
This has a most attractive appearance with the beautiful patina of ash. What a flavour!
This is rich and creamy and moreish and great fun – a great addition to the cheeseboard. We loved the rich goat milk that had been allowed to star.

Karst 2 Star

This has a wonderful appearance, authentic and with an attractive charcoal rind.
It has a delicate goat milk aroma. The mouthfeel is delicious.

Log 1 Star

This is a proud standing log of goats cheese on the board.
Honest and bold, and rather good.

Public Tour

11 June, 2024

Come join our crew this Wednesday 12th June  at 10.30am for first Public Tour. You'll get up close with our lovely ladies, learn all about farming, breeding+milking & of course get to taste our delicious cheese!
€15 /head adult, €8 kids or €35 family ticket
Drop us a DM or email to to let us know you are coming!
Find us using the EIRCODE V95 XA9C, 30 mins from Ennis, 15 mins from Lahinch.

Two Trophies at the Artisan Cheese Awards!

22 May, 2024

We are so delighted to announce that our beautiful cheese has once again won awards! This weekend our St Tola log won BEST RAW MILK FARMHOUSE CHEESE and our St Tola Ash log won BEST GOAT CHEESE at the Artisan Cheese awards at Melton Mowbray in England! Templegall won Supreme Champion we were honoured to be in such great company! After 45 years in business, we are still surprised and delighted to win! Many thanks to all the organisers (especially Dr. Matthew O' Callaghan) and all the other winners on the night.  


Siobhán Ní Gháirbhith and Brian McEntee at the Irish Cheese Awards

Irish Cheese Awards 2024

29 April, 2024

After 45 years in business we are delighted to still win major awards! Our classic Original log won Gold at the Irish Cheese 2024 last week! We also won 2 silvers and a bronze for some of our other cheeses! The awards ceremony and lunch was a real pleasure at the lovely Kilishane House in Tipperary and it was great to meet up with fellow cheesemakers, journalists and cheese enthusiasts! 

So many thanks to all at CAIS for organising and our great sponsors for all the help.  

Sponsors: SYSCO, Bord Bia, Traditional Cheese Company, Horgans Delicatessen Supplies Ltd., and Ornua

It was a joyful day and we look forward to the next one in 2026


Happy New Year to all our customers

12 January, 2024

Happy New Year to all our customers! Many thanks for all your support over Christmas! We had a very busy season this year. 
Our on-line shop is back up and running again after the winter break

and we are looking forward to getting some maintenance jobs around the farm completed before kidding season and the great circle of life starts all over again in early February! We are looking forward to the great retail exposition at the Cliffs of Moher on the 19th February and  making lovely collaborations with loyal customers!


We are also taking bookings for private and group tours for 2023. More and more folk are keen to see where their food comes from and coming here to visit the farm and get a tasting of our cheese and fuller understanding of Irish Food Culture is a great place to start.  Click here for more information:

Siobhan at UCC and Winter

8 November, 2023

We are delighted to announce that Siobhán will be speaking at a special seminar at UCC to celebrate+ discuss the rich culture+ history of artisanal cheeses in Ireland. The event is supported by CAIS the Irish Cheese Makers Association.

This Friday November 10th from 6.30 to 9pm Block A, Level 1, Food Science Bld, UCC

Winter has set in here at the farm at St Tola - we are still very busy however! We are preparing our Christmas cheeses including St Tola with Cranberry Logs, Divine and Crottin and also our very special St Tola Gold. Our on-line shop is fully open also!







Burren Winterage and Food Fayre 2023 / Public Tour!

25 October, 2023

We are delighted to be part of this incredible annual event!

On Sunday, the 29th of October, you are invited to join the Burren Winterage Cattle Drive & Burren Food Fayre. The Cattle drive walk is a community walk with a Burren farming family as they walk their cattle to the winter pastures. This an amazing and unique event and an experience not be missed! 

Please bear in mind that this is a challenging walk of 6kms in total with a steep incline in the initial section of the walk. The walk is also on an uneven path and so unsuitable for buggies.

Cattle Drive attendees will also be able enjoy the Burren Food Fayre before and after the walk- where there will be a chance to 'taste the Burren' through food tastings from the Burren's best food producers. There will also be tea, coffee and scones on offer before the walk (we encourage you to bring your own mug!), and hazel sticks to help people on their way.


Admission: €5 for Burrenbeo Members and Burren Pine Project Supporters / €10 for non-members. Under 18s go free but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Numbers are limited so booking a place through the link below is essential.


We are also opening up the doors to the farm for a public tour Wednesday 1st November at 11.30! Tour includes a visit to the goats, milking parlour, a simple cheeesemaking demonstration and a taste of all our fine cheeses! €15/ adults, €8 children or €35 family ticket.  Please let us know you are coming with a quick email to 


Food on the Edge Ambassador

20 September, 2023

I feel privileged and  honoured to have been selected alongside these unique folks  as Food Ambassador for the 2023 Food on the The Edge Symposium! 

Food on the Edge International is a two-day symposium that takes place annually in Ireland. It is for chefs & food enthusiasts all around the world who want to create a better global network.

I look forward to meeting everyone next month at Airfield Estate, Dundrum in Dublin on Mon 16th & Tues 17th October 2023.

More details on Food on the Edge can be found

Public Tours

19 September, 2023

We are opening up the farm to a public tour on Wednesday 1st November at 11.30! You'll get to meet our lovely goats, learn all about farming and cheesemakeing and taste all our delicious awardwinning cheeses! €15/ adults €8/children or €35/family ticket please let us know if you are coming along and drop us an email on 

Private tours are available to book through the autumn and winter, drop us an email at to book.  



St Tola Events!

13 September, 2023

We are delighted to be doing some super events in the next few weeks and we hope to see some of our lovely customers! 

Brian will be up near his home place in Kells at the Sheridans Festival in Co Meath on Sunday 24th September. This is always a great day out and a highlight for all foodies around the country. More details can be found on

The following weekend, 29th September to 1st October, Siobhán will be attending the Irish Food awards at Blas na hEireann  and also Dingle Food Festival in Dingle Co Kerry. She will be at the Burren Ecotourism Tent and its a great chance to come and taste food from around Ireland but most importantly from Co.Clare! Details for the Dingle Food Festival are here and for Blás

The end of October heralds another turn of the year as we go into our winter months. Unfortunately this means here our milk does stop to drop naturally with the darkening days and we have had to make the difficult  decision to stop making our Greek style and Gold Cheeses until next spring.  However the good news is that of course here in County Clare we like to have celebrate these changes in the seasons also! The Burren Winterage Festival take place on the Bank Holiday weekend and the annual Winterage walk will take place this year starting and ending at the Michael Cusack Centre in Carron where we and lots of other Burren producers will meeting customers old and new at the Burren Food Fayre. More details and a weblink for this will be up soon.  

And finally, if you miss us at all those events and  you'd like to come along and have a look at the farm, we are opening up the farm to a public tour on Wednesday 1st November at 11.30! You'll get to meet our lovely goats, learn all about farming and cheesemakeing and taste all our delicious awardwinning cheeses! €15/ adults €8/children or €35/family ticket please let us know if you are coming along and drop us an email on 




30 August, 2023

St Tola were delighted to win 2 Gold Stars at the prestigious Great Taste Awards in London in August for both our St.Tola Ash Log & St.Tola Karst cheese!  These cheeses were created to reflect the landscape of the Burren. It's great for team morale here to get recognition for our all our hard work and dedication.  The judges had some super things to say about our cheese including: 

"The creamy richness is beautifully balanced with a delightful tang"

"So creamy and light in texture, but this is made up for in flavour, so punchy and rich"

"It really does look like limestone Karst! So chic!" 

More lovely comments from the judges can be found on our recognition page

Although we reduce cheese production for the autumn due to lack of our own milk and Irish goats milk in general,  we will continue to produce most of our range of cheeses which are available to buy directly at the farm or at our on-line shop.

Our very popular farm tours & cheese tastings are available for booking throughout the autumn with a number of public tours coming up over the next few months & during Hallowe'en break. 

St. Tola will be exhibiting at Sheridans Food Festival in Co. Meath on the 24th of September and again at Blas na hEireann & Dingle Food Festival from 29th Sept to 1st of October. These are both very enjoyable events and well worth travelling for! 

We were delighted to have a crew from the USA visit us here earlier during the year and the show "From Ireland with Love" can be seen on PBS or NBR on rotation for the next two years! It give us great exposure and also the area and commuity in which we live and work. Click here for a little snippet! 

Come and see us in the autumn!



Public Tour Dates

23 June, 2023

Summer is in full swing here at St Tola Goat Farm. 

We are delighted to announce some dates for our public tours.   Tours will start at 11.30am sharp.  Tours will include a visit to the sheds to see our beautiful goats, hear a talk on farming, feeding and breeding.  Visitors will also get to taste our range of award winning cheeses including our newest cheese St Tola Karst, which is named for its resemblance to the amazing limestone Karst landscape in the Burren! Prices from €15/adult and €8/child. If possible, please let us know you are coming on more info will be available on our social media shortly!
Dates are : 

Fridays July 7th, 14th and 28th and Wednesday 19th .

We hope to see some of you very soon!

Summer is coming!

10 May, 2023

Summer time is nearly here and most of our kidding has now finished for the season. We have been really busy with jobs around the farm including a new road into the yard, bless the work of our fine men! Our goats are finally onto eating fresh grass that they love and hopefully we will see a big upswing in milk production.

This week is Irish Raw Milk Cheese week - the first week dedicated to hightlighting the amazing and oft overlooked raw milk cheeses that we make here in Ireland. A huge number of great cheesemongers and delicatessens around Ireland will be joining us in celebration and more details can be found on

Siobhán did a great interview with Sharon Noonan at West Limerick 102fm this week to promote the week  and you can listen back to the podcast here;

The 22nd of May sees the Slow Food Clare Festival in Lisdoonvarna. We will not be in the market this year, but there are is host of great events around North Clare and we hope to see our cheese highlighted on a number of great venues including The Roadside in Lisdoonvarna. All details can be found on


Siobhán x 

Waiting for our goats to Kid!

17 January, 2023

The first few weeks of January are about the only down time we have here on the farm at St Tola. It is a chance for us to get some essential jobs done and maybe a few days off before kidding starts. This year, we have around 96 nanny goats waiting to kid in approx 2 weeks time Goats normally give birth to twins (though sometimes it can be triplets!) so it is a super busy period for the farm with around 200 babys expected! Of course with kidding comes lots of delicious milk ready to be made into our fabulous cheese.  

Our on-line shop is back up and running again after the winter break so log on here to order cheese and selection boxes for your loved ones for St Bridgets Day!

We are also taking bookings for private and group tours for 2023. Click here for more information:  and email us at to book


Enjoying the Cuimhneamh An Chlair event here at St Tola

Awards & Cuimhneamh An Chlair

31 August, 2022

We are delighted to say that we have won two awards over the summer, a Gold for each of our Classic Log and Ash log and we have been listed as finalists for the Blas na hEireann Awards to be announced at the end of September!

 It is great recognition for our team here and we are looking forward to the events in Dingle as the awards have not been hosted live since 2019!

On Saturday 20th August 2022 we hosted a really lovely event here for Cuimhneamh An Chlair (Memories of Clare) we were joined by loads of our lovely locals who talked, showed and demonstrated lots of older farming and traditional cooking methods like cutting with the sythe and griddle baking. We had  few tunes and songs too! Many many thanks to all involved for organising this.  We will have a small gallery of photos of the fun had on the day - here is the link to this




St Tola in Burren Ecotourism

7 February, 2022

Virtual Burren Food Fayre 2020

7 February, 2022

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the Burren Food Fayre was run virtually. We teamed up with the lively Maeve Sheridan from Western Herd Brewery to taste some great local cheeses and local beers together!

More information on  Western Herd Brewery can be found on



Bia Dúchas from TG4 featuring St. Tola Irish Goat Cheese

7 February, 2022

St Tola Goat Farm : The Farm, the Cheesehouse and the Tours

16 November, 2021

This beautiful film shows the very best of St Tola Farming and Cheesemaking and was made to celebrate our great sucesses at 2021 awards for cheesemaking. 


St Tola Wins 3 Stars at the Great Taste Awards 2021!

22 September, 2021
*** Beyond delighted to have received news that our St Tola Ash has won 3 Stars- at the Great Taste Awards!!!**** Over 14,000 foods were entered into this year's awards, less than 2%win 3 Star awards.. we will just let that sink in for a bit.... A few things the judges had to say about our cheese.. "Fresh farmyard aromas with the mildest hint of goat...melts on the palate, leaving a fresh creamy dairyness..A triumph of a cheese.." "Stunning artisan's a fabulous cheese..." "The ash rind is a thing of beauty...What a joy!" Phew...we might have to sit down + have some cheese + watch Brian in this fabulous video by @lou.kevin.filming on the making of our Ash Log. Seriously though, it's a great award to receive + it's super for all the team at St Tola to get such prestigious recognition.


Spring is in the Air

16 August, 2021

Our ladies have been very busy in the last few months and we are delighted to have lots of lovely kids on farm at the moment! We are really missing our visitors like all the members of the Burren Ecotourism and Burren Food Trail, hopefuly we will be able to welcome some of you back to our place later in the year. We have also been busy in the cheesehouse and we are delighted with our new St Tola Gold, fine chunks of Greek style cheese in Newgrange Gold Oil with Chilli and Garlic and Peppercorns, have a look at the product page to see all our great cheeses. 

Siobhán spoke at length with J.P. McMahon last week as part of Food on the Edge 2021, the podcast is available to listen to here , it's a long and really interesting conversation that runs from discussing monks in the middle ages to the emerging artisan food movement in the 1990's!  So settle back with a plate of cheese and a glass of wine! 

We also have lots of great videos so have a look on our media page on

Burren Video

31 March, 2021

Beer and Cheese Tastings

13 October, 2020
St Tola’s Cheese and Beer Tasting Notes   When it comes to pairing food and beer, you can either compliment the flavours or contrast them. Taste buds are as individual as a fingerprint, so two people taste the same. There is no right or wrong pairing. They are a few classical pairings but again, everyone is different. Sweet and salty pairings, effervescent and creamy textures and matching intensity should all be considered when pairing beers and cheese.   St Tola’s Goat’s Cheese & Western Herd Blue Jumper IPA This is a pairing that on paper should not work; pairing a delicate cheese with a powerful IPA. But it is so good. The bitterness of the IPA cuts through the soft creamy texture of the goat’s cheese without overpowering the elegant cheese. The bitterness of the beer is the perfect counterbalance for the rich cheese. The carbonation of the beer melts into the creamy goat cheese to cleanse the palate while the acidity refreshes the palate.   St. Tola’s Hard Cheese & Western Herd Atlantic Red Ale The sweet honey and malty, breadiness of the beer is so good with the nutty flavours of the cheese. It’s like chocolate and peanut butter, classic and timeless. The toasty malts combined with the cheese create an almost praline effect. Beer and cheese work in harmony and it is oh so good!!!   St. Tola’s Greek Style Irish Goat’s Cheese & Western Herd Back Beat Witbier The salty, briney cheese is not going to be dominated and works well with lighter dishes. While the beer is light and full of character, the understated witbier allows the cheese to star. The sweetness of the orange peel in the Belgian style beer pairs perfectly with the salty feta. 

St Tola Autumn News

5 October, 2020
We were delighted to announce that we won a Gold Star at The Great Taste Awards for our St Tola Log! It is a great boost to our team here to be able to have something to celebrate after a difficult year so far. The log is available on deli counters at all good Supervalus, cheesemongers and delicatessens around the country as well as pre packed as the Original in our new green tub.  We were due to have a market stall  and offer a tour of our farm with the The Ennis Food and Drink Fleadh is once again due this weekend 10th and 11th October, however due to current COVID restrictions, these two events have now been cancelled.  We have been making our yummy hard cheese once again and this is now available in our on line shop and in all good gourmet shops in Ireland. We are so thankful for the amazing support that our customers have given to us and other Irish producers in the last few months.  Above all we want you all to stay happy, safe and healthy.   Siobhán and all the crew at St Tola.  



New Ways to Order St Tola

4 April, 2020

In the past week, we have been working with a number of local and national initiatives to try and boost our retails sales in these strange times we live in! We have lots of new ways to order St Tola and other lovely gourmet goodies on-line for home delivery and pick up at farmers markets these include : 

Burren Smokehouse are offering two Burren Baskets that include Burren Smoked Salmon and St Tola and locally produced puddings

Clare Local Delivery : Delivery to North Clare on a Friday for a range of goods and gourmet cooked meals including artisan bread, fresh vegetables and St Tola Cheese

Neighbour Food is a new way to do your weekly farmers market shopping in one go! Join your local market, pick and pay for your goods and pick up at the specified time! St Tola now selling for Limerick market (pick up on a Thursday eve) and Glasnevin (pick up on a Saturday)

Hussey Fruit and Veg in Dubin are a 4th generation distributoer of Fruit and Vegetables in Dublin. They do amazing home deliveries and are now supplying a range of gourmet and dairy products including St Tola!  see@jtattshotmailc1  on Twitter or ring 01 8644300 for details

And of course our on-line shop! We only launched this this last week and have been blown away by the response! The link is up the top of the page, delivery by courier is included and its great value! Thank you to all our loyal customers

Finally, have a listen to Siobhans interview with Brendan O'Connor this morning 4th April discussing the effects of COVID 19 on the Farmhouse Cheese Industry

Be Safe

26 March, 2020

We wish all our loyal customers a safe time during this Covid19 crisis. As we can't find the off switch on our goats,  we have reduced our production of soft cheeses and we will soon be making our St Tola Hard Cheese. Please support Irish food producers at this critical time. Our soft cheeses are available on a 20% discount from today at Supervalus Nationwide! Stay safe. from Siobhan and all the crew at St Tola x

in the meantime, here is Petru our Farm manager and some lovely kids from earlier in the year! x 

St Tola Irish Goats Cheese

26 February, 2020

Spring has sprung and there is kidding to beat the band out on the farm! We had a very succesful public tour last Friday, loads of people came with their 2 legged kids to see our 4 legged ones and a great time was had by all! We will do another tour again at Easter so watch out for dates here and on social media.  

In other news we are on promotion with our logs, divine, original and greek in all Supervalus across Ireland until Wednesday 4th March and Gráinne had a great time meeting customers old and new in Supervalu Castletroy a few weeks ago. 

Come along this Friday from 11am to 3pm to Sheridans in Galway - our Gráinne will once again be tasting out our cheeses to all you Galweigans! Also Siobhán will be in Sheridans in Cork on the Sheridans counter in Dunnes in Bishopstown.  



Public Tour

18 February, 2020

Mid term Goat Therapy! So our kids can meet your kids come along to our public tour this Friday 31st February at 10.30am! Its a one hour tour and you get to see our lovely goats and kids and taste all our delicious goats cheese! €10 adults, €5children or €30 for a family of 2 adults and 3 children. All welcome!

Christmas News!

13 December, 2019

What a year at St Tola! Siobhan celebrated her 20th Anniverary in style here at the farm and more visitors came to see us than ever before! 

As our St Tola Ash (which wins all the awards!) is difficult to come by in the market place we have decided to have the farm open to the public from Monday 16th December to Monday 23rd December from 9am to 4pm and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10-12noon.  Pre-order if possible to guarentee orders.  We will have the full range of our St Tola cheeses,  specially designed St. Tola Cheeseboards, Sheridans crackers, & other Irish Farmhouse Cheeses to make up delicious hampers! Ring Carmen or Grainne on 065 683 66 33.

We wish all our customers a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year 2020


13 August, 2019

Public Tours are still running here at St Tola! Come along every Wednesday at 10.30am for a tour of the farm, a simple cheesemaking demonstration and a taste of all our cheeses! SSo that is the 14th, 21st and 28th August!  €8 adults, €5 children or €25 family ticket. Great craic whatever the weather!

Awards and more

14 May, 2019

Delighted to announce our St Tola Salad cheese is now available in Dunnes Stores all over Ireland! This is a firm cheese with a salty bite and great in salads and sandwiches! We are also delighted to have won 2 awards at the recent Artisan Cheese Awards in the UK. Silver for the ash log and GOLD for the Classic Log!

Lots of events coming up including Sheridans Food Festival in Meath and the   Taste the Loop Festival in Kilkee Co Clare


May Day Open Day

26 April, 2019

We can't promise Brian will be in full pagan gear but come and join us at our May Day Bealtine Public Tour on Wednesday 1st May at10.30 for a one hour tour! €8 adults, €5children €25 family ticket!

Don't just visit the Burren, Taste It!

23 April, 2019

Video from Rebecca Bingham

23 April, 2019

Lovely video from a few years back from visitor Rebecca Bingham!

Easter Open Day

17 April, 2019

Public Tour on Wednesday 24th April, see all our lovely goats and taste our delicious cheese too! Gates open at 10.15am for 1 hour tour starting at 10.30am sharp! €8/adults, €5/children ad €20 family ticket. See you then!

Spring has Sprung

13 March, 2019

Spring has really sprung here at St Tola! Our goats are kidding well and there are lots of lovely babies and of course lovely fresh goat milk and cheese!

Some calendar dates to remember:

Sheridans Cheesemongers Galway 23rd March 11-4pm,

Burren Food Trail Long Table events 07/06, 06/09 and 21/11 see for more details

Slow Food Clare Festival 11/12 May

Sheridans Food Festival 26/05/2019

Open Day here at St Tola Wednesday 24th April from 10.30 to 12noon! gates open at 10.15 for tour starting sharp at 10.30, €8/adult,  €5/children €20 family ticket




Happy New Year!

18 January, 2019

It might be a little late in January but Happy New Year to all our customers, friends and family! Best wishes and good health to all of you! We are looking forward to 2019 - Siobhan is 20 years in business here in Inagh and we are looking forward to some celebrations here in March! Watch this space as they say!

We are once again open for tours at our farm, we do full farm tours to groups of all sizes so drop us a line on and let us see how we can accomodate you!

We were delighted that so many of our collegues in North Clare in the Burren were featured in Decembers National Geographic! Now the world can really see what delicious foodie wonders we have to offer in our beautiful county!



Christmas News Letter!

28 November, 2018

What a year it has been for St Tola Goats Cheese! Never before have we won so many awards as 2018!  Firstly the much coverted Irsh Food Writers Guild Environmental Award for our sustainability ethos which we are so very proud of.  St Tola was also one of only 5 Irish Cheesemakers to win 2 Stars at the Great Taste Awards - one of the finest international food competitions in the world!  Our St Tola Ash log also won both Gold at the Blas na hEireann award in Dingle in October and Bronze at the World Cheese awards this month!

As our St Tola Ash (which wins all the awards!) is difficult to come by in the market place we have decided to have the farm open to the public from Monday 3rd December to Friday 21st December from 9am to 4pm and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10-12noon.  Pre-order if possible to guarentee orders.  We will have the full range of our St Tola cheeses, including the rare and just released St Tola Hard Cheese, specially designed St. Tola Cheeseboards, Sheridans crackers, Burren Kitchen Garden Winter Jelly & other Irish Farmhouse Cheeses to make up delicious hampers! Ring Carmen or Grainne on 065 683 66 33.

GOLD AT Blas na hEireann 2021

10 October, 2018

Delighted to have won Gold at the this years 2021 Blas na hEireann Awards this year for our Ash Log! Also Silver for our Raw Milk! A great boost to the team and well done to all the finalists and organisers for such a great Food Festival in Dingle this year!