There are many tales about goats in Irish folklore, but since St Patricks Day is upon us; the following extracts from the Schools’ (Folklore) Collection of the late 1930s, contributors from Attymon and Menlough tell stories in which the people of Monivea milk St Patrick’s goat(s) and pay the... Read full article.
Saint Tola Farmhouse Cheese
Internationally recognised St Tola Goat Cheese, is delicious, really good for you, and is founded upon local sustainable farming.
See every step of the process and hear from Siobhán and from our herd of goats in this video.
Look out for our much loved St Tola Log or our newer cheeses in your local good retailer or order online.
What else is new at St. Tola?
St Patrick's Day Selection
Neal's Yard Dairy in London, have been selling Irish cheeses since the 1980s and have been working with many of the same producers including St Tola since then. Their buying team go to Ireland twice a year to visit dairies and to taste and talk cheese (washed... Read full article.
We are really delighted to announce that St Tola Irish Goat Cheese will be featuring on RTE 1 Saol na Feirme from this Monday 24th February at 8.30pm!
This excellent series was filmed over the course of last year and follows the farming year cycle.
Viewers get to know the men and... Read full article.